ELCAD - a success story
The name ELCAD as a synonym for electrical CAD is the founding product of AUCOTEC AG. As far back as 1985, the software was a pioneer in terms of flexible adapting to special customer requirements - where others had to pass, ELCAD was always a good option. At the beginning of the nineties it was the first electrical CAD with full WINDOWS integration and corresponding interface. Since the turn of the millennium, the focus has been on increasing efficiency in the documentation process.
ELCAD today

For over three decades ELCAD has been successful in the market as a well-engineered, highly efficient tool for the production of electrical documentation. Right from the beginning, ELCAD was data-compatible version by version and stands for long-term security of investment. The entire operating philosophy is focused on intuition and efficiency. ELCAD is always at home on the latest Microsoft WINDOWS version. Continuous development and quality management ensure performance and reliability.
As a result, ELCAD delivers intelligent PDF files in which entire projects are summarized in a navigable way, but also other popular formats such as DWG.
ELCAD in use
ELCAD is popular in Europe and used worldwide. All current standards for the documentation of electrical engineering systems are supported and, due to its flexibility, the system has also been adapted to many industry and corporate guidelines. Wherever consistent electrical documentation is required, ELCAD is in use today - from mechanical engineering, plant construction and rail vehicles to power plants.
AUCOPLAN - efficient I&C documentation
At the beginning of the 1990s, with AUCOPLAN one of the first specialist systems for the documentation of I&C technical systems was introduced. Based on the graphical and electrical capabilities of ELCAD, tables were developed for the definition of plant objects in a structured plant model. The equal balance of graphic and alphanumeric processing had its beginnings here.
AUCOPLAN achieved the greatest accelerating effect by introducing automated generation of I&C loop diagrams based on standardized templates (typicals). After tabular preliminary work, the documents for measuring points and consumers are generated large-scale at the touch of a button. All follow-up documents for detailed planning are created by the integrated ELCAD - you can't get any faster than that.
Because of its innovative approach, AUCOPLAN has become widely used. AUCOPLAN is used everywhere where I&C engineering is to be documented. AUCOPLAN is at home anywhere from chemical plants and the pharmaceutical industry to power plants, - the more measuring points, the better!