The Bao-Ling Electric Control Equipment Co., Ltd. in Shanghai is an internationally well-known manufacturer and developer of electrical components. Another division deals with the development and marketing of software for industrial applications. The Bao-Ling customers include steel or chemical industries such as Bao Steel or TOYO Ink Co., Ltd.

When evaluating engineering tools, Bao-Ling's main focus was a short training period combined with a minimization of the error potential. The demand was to cover all aspects of electrical engineering, the documentation was to be comprehensive and to be created as simply as possible. For better transparency all project data was to be stored in a database in an object-oriented manner so that all planners and project engineers can exchange their experiences.
Engineering Base from AUCOTEC prevailed over a number of competing products. Decisive features were functions such as the automatic device and signal numbering, the cross-referencing technique and the outstanding software structure.
After a very short initial training already, planning and projecting with Engineering Base could be started. Already with the first project Engineering Base fulfilled all require-ments for flexibility and reliability. A decisive advantage here was the professional support by the AUCOTEC support team. The high standard of the services – especially during the WebEx meetings – met with a positive response.
With the Office-compliant environment and the integration of VISIO and an SQL server, Engineering Base today offers a solution that is widely accepted by the users and more than meets the intended targets also at Bao-Ling in China.