The GmbH in Neukirchen, Austria, started out in 1951 as a shop specializing in electrical appliances. Today about 50 employees take care of high-quality electrical installations in all of Salzburg as well as North and East Tyrol, with the focus on building technology. Large catering enterprises of the popular tourist region have been building with But the provision of artificial snow blowers, which are present in approximately 80% of the ski runs in the skiing area, are also on the list of major projects.
„Distinctly simpler“

With the increasing scope of the projects the need for a new planning tool arose, which was to be future-proof and to offer quality as well as a distinctly higher degree of automation. After a thorough check, the decision was made in favor of AUCOTEC‘s Engineering Base (EB). The familiar Visio user interface with the comfortable true-to-scale drawings immediately appealed to the managing director Reinhold Dankl. However the feature that convinced most of all was EB‘s consistency from design to list output, and likewise its openness and the easy adaptability to company-specific standards.
„Our predecessor tool was much too complicated“, says the managing director, „and drawing has also become distinctly easier“. And „hats off“ is Dankl‘s comment on the folder system with its individual storage and structuring option.
„Gain in quality and time“
The fact that EB is database-driven enabled the Austrians to standardize operating steps. Finished projects are stored as template components in the database and can be used over and over again. „This initially means a lot of work, but the gains in quality and time will in a short while more than compensate for this“, explains the managing director. Thus e.g. templates for circuit components are created to later drag them into the next project simply by drag & drop.
The coupling of EB to the in-house inventory management system is profitable for all intents and purposes. And with respect to the interface for the automatic XLS output of the item labeling for the terminal block designers Reinhold Dankl comments: „With EB, even our apprentice can prepare the equipment, mix-ups are ruled out.“