With the introduction of a ‘class set’ of the software system Engineering Base Cable (EB) from AUCOTEC, the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the Stuttgart University prepares itself for the future of harness design. The E-engineering software package specializes in the planning and design of this ‘nervous system’ of mobile units. From sports cars to the Intercity Express, from submarines to satellites EB is already used for the so-called harnessing.
„Optimally prepared“

„This wide distribution, EB‘s open architecture and its flexible cooperation capability have convinced us“, explains Professor Hans-Peter Röser, director of the institute. „On average we produce about 13 PhD graduates and more than 70 graduates holding a diploma every year. They are supposed to be optimally prepared for working in the industry – and a branch solution so strongly future-oriented simply belongs to the curriculum“, continues Röser. He became aware of the tool by a recommendation of the satellite specialist Astrium, part of the EADS group and itself an important industrial partner of the institute. Moreover the IRS closely cooperates with companies such as Tesat and OHB but also with renowned local companies in the automotive sector.
In practice, EB will initially be used for a very special project of the institute: a miniature satellite for earth observation and scientific experiments developed by the institute.
„Connection to the latest developments“
„We are particularly glad about this cooperation because we thus create an excellent connection with a new generation of highly qualified people and the latest developments in research and teaching“, says Markus Bochynek, former AUCOTEC board member. His conclusion: „The facts that soon another harness design planned with EB will orbit the earth and that our system is used in a PhD thesis makes us a little proud, more importantly however it confirms that EB points in the right direction.“
The kick-off for using Engineering Base was in October 2011 and coincided with the relocation of the IRS to the new space center Baden-Württemberg, a 10-million construction on the Stuttgart University campus. The latter is thus on the way to becoming the foremost university training and research center for the aerospace industry.