
© Bim

For version 2023 and 2024

Engineering Base Basic Engineering

Functional engineering in process engineering

Engineering Base Plant-Engineering is the versatile solution for the entire life cycle of a technical plant. It covers all planning areas, such as basic, process and detail engineering.

In this training course, you will learn everything about the functional planning of process plants with Engineering Base. Practical examples and exercises will enhance your skills.

Target group

You work in the area of planning process plants. You want to get to know all the work steps in Engineering Base from concept design to the finished process flow diagram.

From the content

  • Databases, projects and structures
  • Objects and their graphical representation with MS Visio
  • Block diagrams with functional structure
  • Creating process flow diagrams (PFD)
  • Defining and specifying mass flow rates
  • Creating data sheets
  • Importing simulation data
  • Working with process scenarios, operating modes
  • Creating various reports

General information about our trainings

All places & dates

Individual training Inquiry

CAE training courses

We run application training courses for the AUCOTEC CAE products Engineering Base, ELCAD, RUPLAN and AUCOPLAN. Content and duration are designed in such a way that you can plan effectively with the systems in no time at all.

Individual in-house training courses

On request all seminars can also be held in English and some in French. The course content can be drawn up individually for your company requirements. We will of course be happy to come and give the course on site at your business!
