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Consultant not only for business

How project manager Henning Velthaus lives out his vocation

Henning Velthaus

Deep in the west of Lower Saxony lies the beautiful town of Haren an der Ems. Henning Velthaus (42) was born and raised there. And after living in Bochum, Frankfurt and Hamburg for his studies, trainee program and first job respectively, the down-to-earth computer scientist was drawn back to Haren. From there he manages his projects, for which he provides supports and takes responsibility for AUCOTEC's Professional Services department. Communication and mediation between the engineering disciplines are of particular concern to him. Already during his studies he recognized the importance of interdisciplinary thinking and acting, and with his ability to think outside the box, Henning Velthaus is perfect as a consultant for AUCOTEC's customers. Here, he applies his knowledge for a more efficient future of companies that work with the interdisciplinary Engineering Base platform or want to do so in the future.

Professional itinerary

"Understanding customers and explaining developments is really fun, because the projects are always different, challenging and take hold of me," he says enthusiastically. Velthaus has already advanced from a "simple" consultant to a "senior" position and ultimately to project manager, and his projects have even taken him as far as China. But customers in Denmark and Norway are also on his professional itinerary. "I take the responsibility very seriously," he emphasizes, "it drives and spurs me on, together with the flexibility at AUCOTEC and the great cooperation among colleagues, but also with superiors. Despite working from home, it really works out great!"

More is more

The fact that he enjoys returning to Haren from his work trips and meetings at AUCOTEC headquarters is, of course, mainly due to his wife and their two - quote: "wonderful!" - daughters, both still of preschool age. But because he always wanted more – for example, he switched to a degree course while still training as an IT specialist – the demanding job, family, house and garden were not nearly enough for him. His latest hobby is labrador Scotty, who at 6 months old runs everyone off their feet and especially needs Velthaus' family "tamer" powers right now. Whether his photography hobby suffers from this or, on the contrary, is rather fueled thanks to the subject matter provided by Scotty, Henning Velthaus did not let on. But he still has his sights set on various goals.

He is working on his professional progress in any case, and the e-mountain bike for getting around on other levels is already in sight; only the travel destinations he has in mind personally will probably have to wait a little longer, perhaps until his daughters are a little older: South America and South Africa, for example, or the North Cape - the range could hardly be wider. But that's just the way he is; that's exactly what he likes about his job. And not only there:

Offering advice is his thing

He is also diversified as a consultant. Because – as we already mentioned – more is always possible with him, and family and friends also appreciate that offering advice is simply his "thing". In this environment, its scope extends not only to work-related devices such as cell phones, tablets and computers, but further to photovoltaics and smart homes, as well as cars and music. Even if he modestly waves off the fact that the level is not the highest, it is always cross-disciplinary ;-) So a real match in several respects: profession and vocation, task and conviction, Henning Velthaus and AUCOTEC, deep west and the whole world. Very fitting!